walk around as the last droplets fall

Made for the bitsy "temporary" jam, using bitsy by adam le doux and its bitsymuse hack by David Mowatt (slightly modified).

Just a super basic game initially started to get the hang of bitsy, but then I came upon this jam which happened to match the theme perfectly - I did end up making more sprites and music than I first expected so I'm happy to have an occasion to actually share it, even if it isn't much!

(Some of the audio is very quiet, you might want to turn the volume up if you're not playing in perfect silence)

Published 12 days ago
Made withbitsy
Average sessionA few minutes


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i loved all the room transitions in this :) it reminded me of some of the games from the Beginner's Guide, cool game!


Thank you!! (After too much playtesting I've grown so used to them I can no longer tell what effect the transitions actually achieve, so I'm really glad you like them haha)

The Beginner's Guide is a game I need to look into... I first heard about it a couple months ago and it seems so interesting.


(Had the pacing been much slower and a bit different I would have suggested imagining Do You Know How To Waltz by Low as an alternate soundtrack... Oh well you can still imagine. Make connections. Or others)